Labels:bulletin board | cabinet | door | earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | road | sky | vegetarianism OCR: abedefabijkimnopqrstuvxns GDI CTO5Y 0123456789 ~!a #$% &*0 <.{}|\":;/? The quich broron fox jumpe 13010 the lasn bog The quick bromn fox jumps oUer the last dog. 24 The quick bromn fox jumps ooer the lazn dog. 36 The quick bromn fox jumps oper the [azn dog. The quick fox jumps Dper the lazn dog 60 The quick bromn fox jumps Dper the [azn dog The quick bromn fox jumps Dper the lazn Bag abedefahijk mnopqrstuomxns over oeer